What is Liver Chi/Qi?
In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the concept of Qi is the driving force of energy that flows throughout your body. It is a foundational aspect of acupuncture, where the goal is to free and clear blockages in the energy pathways in your body. An important organ that helps facilitate much of the energy flow is the liver. The Liver channel activates all the moving energy throughout the body back into the liver. Therefore, when an obstruction/stagnation occurs, there are issues of Qi imbalances within various organs.
An easy indication of Liver Qi Stagnation is through the color of your tongue. It will reflect stagnation if there is a white coating on your tongue with the exception of a red or purple tip. This could mean a lot of things- low energy, lethargy, inadequate breath supply, etc.
Some symptoms that can help you determine if you are experiencing Liver Qi Stagnation are:
Mood Swings/Low Temper
Menstrual Irregularities
Digestion Issues: Stomach pain, Diarrhea/Constipation
Pain moving around the body: For example, you first feel pain in your elbow, the next day you feel pain in your back, etc.
Irregular Body Temperature
What’s in your control:
The good news is, Liver Qi Stagnation can be relieved through self-care and management. A healthy diet and exercise are always recommended when you start to feel a sudden imbalance in your body. Something as simple as going out on a walk to encourage energy to flow can give you a wonderful boost of energy and metabolism. Avoiding cold foods, dairy, and fried dishes is also important in order to strengthen your digestive system.
Acupuncture is often used to treat Liver Qi stagnation. The Liver meridian system is balanced using various acupuncture points to improve the Liver's energy flow. Additionally, massage therapy can be used to assist in this process. Massage techniques such as Tui Na (Chinese medical massage) can help restore balance by targeting Liver-related muscles and connective tissue.
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